Customer Success Upshift Program

Your journey to success

In an increasingly competitive business environment, the most important requirements for any software investment are adaptability, minimized risk, and maximized return for your investment. This is why we have implemented the Jaspersoft® Customer Success Upshift program.

It guides your journey with a customer engagement model addressing these requirements to help you achieve your desired outcomes and positive tangible results using Jaspersoft products and services. Every organization needs different levels of engagement and partnering, which is why our Customer Success Upshift packages are tailored to meet your needs. We have the following packages based on your environment, your skills and the journey you seek.

Upshift Program tiers

  Momentum Impulse Drive Performance
Customer Success Manager (CSM)
Kickoff & onboarding
Customer Success Workshop
Technical Resource (hrs) 32 64 100 200
Premium content
Duration 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year

Customer Success Management

A Jaspersoft Customer Success Manager (CSM) will be assigned to your organization and will provide coverage for the purchased product or package. The CSM will be your primary contact and Jaspersoft champion responsible for regular check-ins and will oversee the various elements available in the Upshift plan. Your CSM will manage touch points and maintain regular proactive communication to confirm that all is on track.

Technical resources

You have access to Jaspersoft experts (Customer Success Architects, or CSA’s) to assist and provide expert consultation and guidance. Your CSM will work with you to identify the best uses of your expert resource time based on your project, staff and desired outcomes.These resources may be used for Jaspersoft recommended use cases or for other assistance identified by you and your CSM as necessary for your success. Each Upshift plan provides a fixed allotment of resources time. This time is generally made available via both technical inquiries and scheduled engagements. Technical inquiries are measured in hours and generally serviced within days, whereas scheduled engagements are measured in days and are scheduled potentially weeks in advance per resource availability.

Onboarding and project kickoff

The onboarding process expedites the planning and facilitating of the project, and generally consists of:

  • A project kick-off to confirm fulfillment and access
  • Validation of product capabilities in scope
  • Sharing recommended resources
  • Advise on the project plan
  • Review implementation activities and timeline

Customer Success Workshops

Customer Success Workshops are designed to provide recommendations and risk management for your implementation. The outcome of a success workshop includes a "quick win scenario", which is an attainable goal, limited in scope, for a major milestone to achieve shortly after coming onboard. We also provide recommendations that are designed to help ensure your long-term success.

Premium Content

Access to premium assets which include advanced customizations, templates, adaptors, and exclusive training content.

Upshift plan components

The following is a list of common services provided by our Upshift plans. Please note the delivery of these components are subject to the availability of expert resource time in the selected plan.

  • Initial project scope review
  • Business objectives review
  • Pre and post production rollout review
  • Functional requirements review
  • Architectural review (CSA required)
  • Capacity planning (CSA required)
  • Training and services discussion
  • Performance tuning assistance (CSA required)
  • Migration assistance to new versions (CSA required)
  • Product roadmap presentations
  • Deeper support for issues not resolvable by support tickets

Jaspersoft support requirement

Jaspersoft Upshift plans require clients to have a Jaspersoft support plan. Since the packaging of Jaspersoft support plans varies by product, there is not one specific plan that is required. Instead the requirement is simply that a support plan is present for the product or package which a Jaspersoft Upshift plan is being purchased. This requirement is present because Customer Success is not intended to act as an alternative to a support plan.