Jaspersoft® community edition
Experience what you can do with Jaspersoft—for free

Download and explore some of the most popular capabilities Jaspersoft offers. Discover how these features can help you design and create a variety of data visualizations in any format you need.
Plus, tap into our massive user community for information, guidance and other resources to help you be successful.
JasperReports® Library
One of the most popular reporting engines in the world
JasperReports Library has more than 600,000 monthly downloads. It’s written entirely in Java. Runs anywhere. And can deliver beautifully rendered reports and other data visualizations from raw data with lightning speed. As versatile as it is, it’s also a surprisingly simple, flexible, and configurable API for developers to interface with and can easily adapt to various needs when embedded into your Java application.

Jaspersoft® Studio
The industry’s most advanced design environment
Jaspersoft Studio enables you to create highly formatted, pixel-perfect designed reports and data visualizations that meet any requirements and can pull from the widest selection of data sources. Whatever you create can be customized to support specific business requirements, re-used and easily published for distribution. The extensible architecture also allows developers to tap into libraries and functionality from third-party software.

An active user community to give or get advice about Jaspersoft
No one knows more about how to best use Jaspersoft than our ever-growing community of loyal users. It’s a great place to ask questions, get advice and understand real-world, specific use cases for our product. You can also find helpful how-to guides, access code samples, and discover best practices right here.