General software support and end-of-life policies

Jaspersoft® makes every reasonable effort to ensure a high quality software product experience for its customers. This document contains software release and technical support policies for Jaspersoft software versions.


There are two types of Jaspersoft releases: Mainstream (MS) and Long-Term Support (LTS). As a Jaspersoft administrator, it is very important that you understand the differences before you choose what type is best suited for you and your users.

  • Mainstream releases are frequent; currently approximately every 3-6 months, and were introduced to accelerate the availability of new features for customers who want access to the latest improvements and enhancements as quickly as possible. Hotfixes and Service Packs are released only for the latest Mainstream version, unless an LTS version precedes, so Mainstream users should plan to always upgrade to each new Mainstream version as soon as it is released.
  • Long-Term Support releases are less frequent; typically every 18-24 months, and they are typically supported with Hotfixes and Service Packs for 2 years. This approach provides an option more suited for strictly regulated environments, or for customers who prefer a fully supported environment for an extended period of time, without the need for upgrades.

Software release policy

Software releases are numbered in the form of V.R.L, where:

  • V – Is an LTS version that contains new features, fixes, support for new platforms (some older platforms may be discontinued), and language translations.
  • R – Is a Mainstream release that contains a limited number of new features, fixes, support for new platforms (some older platforms may be discontinued), and language translations.
  • L – Is a Service Pack level release that is focused on fixes, support for new platforms (some older platforms may be discontinued), language translations, and on rare occasions, minor feature changes.

No matter what type of release, upgrades are incremental and backwards compatible. If you are on the Mainstream track, it doesn't matter if a new version is LTS or Mainstream. The upgrade process is the same, and you will simply continue your standard process of upgrading to the latest version as it becomes available.

Overview of Jaspersoft software releases, upgrade paths, and support

Mainstream vs LTS

The following table highlights the various differences between Mainstream and Long-Term Support versions.

Note: What is described below in terms of time intervals are typical cases, but there may be variations.

  Mainstream versions LTS versions
Release frequency A new Mainstream version is released approximately every 3-6 months, with the exception of the JRIO Mainstream version which is typically released every 6-12 months. Release frequency is expected to increase in the future. A new LTS version is typically released within 18-24 months after the previous LTS release.
Support (access to open support cases) Mainstream versions continue to be supported for at least 12 months after the next version (either LTS or Mainstream) becomes available. LTS versions are typically supported for at least 2 years.
Extended Support (access to open support cases, past End-of-Support date) Extended Support can be purchased separately. Extended Support can be purchased separately.
Hotfixes and Service Packs Hotfixes and Service Packs are provided for high severity issues, at TIBCO discretion, for the latest Mainstream version only, if the Mainstream version is the latest release. Hotfixes and Service Packs are provided for high severity issues, at TIBCO discretion.
Upgrades Mainstream versions can be upgraded from one version to the next. LTS versions can be upgraded from one LTS version to the next LTS version.
It is also supported to upgrade the latest LTS version to any subsequent Mainstream version.
Download Only the latest Mainstream version is generally available for download from the TIBCO eDelivery site.  Access to older versions can be requested on the eDelivery site. Only the latest LTS version is generally available for download from the TIBCO eDelivery site.  Access to older versions can be requested on the eDelivery site.

Versions Status

JasperReports Server

Jaspersoft products with version 8.0.x and newer are covered by a Long Term Support (LTS) model.

Version Release Date Type End of Life -
End of Life -
Hotfixes &
Service Packs
with Patches
w/o Patches
9.0.0 1/25/2024 LTS TBD TBD TBD TBD
8.2.0 4/28/2023 Mainstream 1/25/2025 1/25/2024 12/31/2024 5/31/2025
8.1.0 7/26/2022 Mainstream 4/28/2024 4/28/2023 12/31/2024 5/31/2025
8.0.x 11/18/2021 LTS 6/30/2025 6/30/2025 6/30/2026 6/30/2027
7.9.x 12/7/2020 Mainstream 11/18/2023 11/18/2021 N/A 11/18/2024
7.8.x 8/21/2020 Mainstream 12/7/2022 12/7/2020 N/A N/A
7.5.x 12/18/2019 Mainstream 8/21/2022 8/21/2020

All other previous Jaspersoft product versions have already reached End of Life and are no longer supported.

JasperReports IO Professional/JRIO At-Scale

Jaspersoft products with version 3.0.x and newer are covered by a Long Term Support (LTS) model.

Version Release Date Type End of Life -
End of Life -
Hotfixes &
Service Packs
with Patches
w/o Patches
4.0.0 1/25/2024 LTS TBD TBD TBD TBD
3.2.0 4/28/2023 Mainstream 1/25/2025 1/25/2024 12/31/2024 5/31/2025
3.1.0 7/26/2022 Mainstream 4/28/2024 4/28/2023 12/31/2024 5/31/2025
3.0.x 11/18/2021 LTS 6/30/2025 6/30/2025 6/30/2026 6/30/2027
2.0.x 12/7/2020 Mainstream 11/18/2023 11/18/2021 N/A 11/18/2024
1.3.x 8/21/2020 Mainstream 12/7/2022 12/7/2020 N/A N/A

All other previous Jaspersoft product versions have already reached End of Life and are no longer supported.

ETL technical support policy

Technical Support calls for ETL products are accepted based on time lines established by our technical partners. Please refer to the following page for these timelines.

Contact us for details and pricing